Wednesday, September 21

Brave Girls

Ok, I've been meaning to write this for a long time, but well this isn't easy to write so I haven't.  :)  A new friend of mine in OK wrote about her struggle with depression, so I thought I'd join her.  Here's my story. 
Because I am weak, I have to start at the very beginning.  My parents divorced when I was young.  I grew up with my grandparents and was a twin, and therefore always felt a little different and I'll even admit I was embarrassed by my grandparents at times.  I love them to death, but let me put it this way--my Grandma is the modern day Mrs. Bennett from Pride and Prejudice.  Not only is she obsessed with marriage, she's just as crazy as Mrs. Bennett.  I mean that in the nicest way possible.  She's crazy.  I'm yeah. You know that phase every adolescent goes through where they think everyone is watching them?  Well that period was especially difficult for me because I felt so different.  All the surgeries and scars on my legs didn't help either (I've had more surgeries than I can count to fix a leg problem I had at birth).  Then when life was getting good and we moved back to live with my mom, she passed away.  I moved right back to Arkansas and started my second semester of 6th grade.  Why is this information important?  I mentioned I am weak.  I feel like I have to defend my depression.  So here is my defense.  Studies have shown that female children who experience early life stress are more prone to depression.  I personally don't look back on my early life and think negatively.  I had a great childhood.  I was VERY happy.  I was LOVED.
Now to the story:  If you knew me in high school or college, you probably thought I was happy and outgoing.  I was.  I thought I had a great life.  I did miss my mom a lot and was very self conscious about myself, but life was great.  I had small bouts of depression, but I kept myself too busy in college to fall in any major dark holes.  There were times where I'd lock myself in the bathroom and cry.  I don't remember why.  But, I wouldn't consider myself depressed at that point.  I didn't really believe in mental illness either.  I just thought maybe I wasn't being spiritual enough.  If I did better in my scripture study or prayers, I'd be better.   I'd do better and I'd feel better. My depression didn't really hit me until I got engaged.  I went to a counselor and she assured me that it was just all the stress I was going through.  It was my last year of college.  I was planning a wedding..blah...blah...blah. I believed her and thought it would go away.  Then I got married.  Life was great for a few months and then I started student teaching (when Will read through this he informed me that I was depressed before student teaching began).  I fell into a dark hole.  I was miserable.  Will was a trooper.  He was studying psychology at the time and was probably trying to do all types of experiments on me.  I went to see another counselor.  This guy wasn't much help either.  He basically said the same thing as the first.

"You've never really struggled with depression.  You were happy in the past.  You're just going through some big changes.  You're a newly wed and student teaching.  My wife is a teacher,"

and I kid you not, he told me that he thinks most teachers are on anti-depressants anyway.  So, once again, I thought it was just a very dark funk.  I don't know how I survived. I hated life.  I felt incapable. I didn't think I had what it took to make a good teacher or to be a good wife.  I often asked Will why he married me.  I didn't feel like I deserved someone so good.  (He really is great. I love him!)  Well, student teaching ended and I started to climb up.  We moved out of our dungeon, and I did seem to get better.  I survived pregnancy.  Then I had a baby.  Now, she melts my heart, but those first few months were tough.  I probably cried every day. I felt incapable.  You see your friends and read their blogs and their lives look so perfect.  They can take care of their kids, clean their houses, and make all kinds of cute things and good food.  I didn't find any enjoyment in life.  I had no energy or motivation to do anything. I think I told Will probably every day that I didn't want any more kids.  I didn't understand how people had more than one.  I was done.  I felt fat, ugly, incapable, etc.  I felt everything dark. I couldn't be a good mother.  Luckily Will's work schedule was flexible, which meant he was able to take care of Evelyn when I just couldn't handle life (Don't worry, I didn't neglect Evelyn.  Sometimes I just felt like it was too much to handle and Will was able to help).  However, it got to the point that he was having trouble getting all of his hours in.  Frequently I would just feel overwhelmed and go to bed, regardless of whether it was morning, afternoon, or evening.  Then, one day Will came home in the middle of the day to put Evelyn to sleep for me and to let me shower.  That week in particular I had really been struggling, and he was frequently having to reschedule with his clients.  After he had put Evelyn to bed and I had showered, I was feeling better and told him he could go back to work.  However, he told me that I needed help.  He told me that I needed to see a counselor and to see a doctor about getting on antidepressants.  He had mentioned this before, but he was firm this time.  When he said this to me, especially about the antidepressants, it hurt.  But, he was right.   I realized I needed help.   I wasn't going to get better on my own.  Reading scriptures more or praying wasn't going to help (on a side note, when I was so down, I didn't even have the motivation to read scriptures).  Sadly, this didn't happen until Evelyn was almost 8 months old.  But, we got through it.  She was a great baby, so that helped A LOT!  I'm glad to say that once I started taking anti-depressants I felt better within days.  I have tried to wean myself off, just to see if I could make it on my own, and it is very evident that I still need them.  I'm glad they work, because I have learned that others cannot find help as easily and have to climb out of those dark lonely halls on their own, and that is tough!  Despite the help I have received from medication, I still struggle.  It would be nice if taking a pill would make all of my troubles go away, but it doesn't.  I still struggle to find the motivation to do things.  I still am very critical of myself.  I still struggle to get out of bed.  I'm grateful that Will helps out around the house as much as he does, since many nights after a long day with Evelyn I don't want to make dinner or really do anything.  I know that this is going to be a battle that I'm going to fight all my life.  Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), studies show that antidepressants alone won't do the trick.  I know that it takes personal effort too.  As Will has now done even more research on this, he tells me that counseling is strongly recommended with antidepressants.  However, I have to admit that my experience with counselors (I've gone to 3 different ones) has been very bad.  So, we'll see what I can find to give me the same things (or at least similar things) to what I could get from counseling (anyone have any good books they suggest?)
So, there you have it.  There is my story told in a few lines.  I love life.  I'm grateful for Evelyn and I'm so ready for lots more kids.

Why would I write all this?  Why would I show my worst self?  This is really hard to do!  It's because I need help from you.  I can fake it.  How many of you knew that I was struggling?  My sister doesn't even know how bad it got.  So, now that you know, I won't be tempted to fake it, but to fight it...  I can learn to be a BRAVE girl!  Also, we all covenanted at baptism to bear one another's burdens.  I appreciate knowing what others struggle with so I can relate with them and try to shoulder the load with them. Now, you know my burden.  Can you help me bear it?  :)


Unknown said...

I love you.

Kathleen said...

I am very impressed that you are brave enough to share! I have had bouts with depression in the past, and I know how hard it is. I'm so glad you guys moved to OK, I think we will all be great friends!

Alisha said...

Well done. Feels good, and scary all at once to have put this out for the world to see huh? You have an amazing husband and a beautiful child... and you know what else? You're pretty darn amazing yourself :)

Nathan and Bonnie said...

We need to chat, sister. You are a brave soul my friend, to put it all out there. I love you to bits and wish so much that we lived closer to each other! I knew you and I had a lot of similarities in a lot of areas, but now I see we have even more than I thought! Will chat more soon....I promise. Except you don't have a how do I call you? FB or email me and let me know if I have to wait till Will comes home to call. :-)

Jonnie Fry said...

My friend, I love you! And yes, now that we know, you need not fake it anymore. Tell us you are getting down and tell us (even those of us thousands of miles away) what we can do and we will do all we can!

Tara said...

Oh Sandra. I wish everyone was so open, because I think a lot more people struggle with this than are willing to admit to. I was on anti-depressants my whole pregnancy with Hailey, and until she was 8 mos. old. I don't even have a reason, because I was raised by great parents, have a great family, and so much support. Sounds like Will has been such a trooper; I'm glad he suggested anti-depressants. Like you, I felt better within days. I went to school smiling and cheerful, and I hadn't felt that way in months...maybe years. I decided to taper off my antidepressants in order to get pregnant with this baby and not be on it for the first trimester (although they told me the baby could probably be just fine with me on it).

I've since learned that SO many people have depression. I've talked to a lot of ladies in my ward now that are an anti-depressants, and they seem like, happy, successful, wonder women. We would all have so much more support if there wasn't such a stigma and if we would just share!

Hannah said...

I read this on my phone last night, and didn't want to have to peck out my whole response, haha!

I'm so glad you've shared! When we were visiting on Saturday night, it was comforting to hear that I'm not alone. It really is amazing though...if you're open and honest about it, you can find out that you're not alone in your struggles, and others know how to better serve you! I'm glad you decided to be brave and share it here! I blogged about my anxiety in a series a while ago, but maybe I should do it again? (This was my original first post:

That being said, I know what it feels like to struggle just to function everyday. Some days are excruciatingly hard. If you have those days, give me a call/text/e-mail...I live just down the street. I'd be happy to cry with you, sit with you, distract you, or help babysit or even cook dinner! (I don't have a steady job and/or I'm available 99% of the time!) Neither of us have been in OK long, but Heavenly Father didn't abandon us here...we have a church family -- we have each other as families!

Ben and Erika said...

You are not alone. I've been through it too back in college, and it's really really REALLY challenging. what's hardest is that people don't understand and think it's just something that you can get rid of with exercise and doing "positive things", but it just doesn't work like that. Yeah, it helps, but it really does take the help of others to help get through each difficult part. I also took the anti-depressants. I think they helped. Not FIXED, but helped. Sometimes now, I feel like I hit that funk again. Some days I have absolutely no motivation, not even to shower. Hang in there Sandra, you are not alone. Keep being your best and know that you are doing your best on those hard days and don't beat yourself up over it. Take it one task at a time. :)

Lisa said...

I didn't know you had a blog... found you from your FB post. I wish I'd known all this when I was your visiting teacher - But it's OK that you didn't tell me then ♥ I've felt the same way before! I especially had a HARD time after my twins were born. It took me years to finally get help, so I understand. Yeah for modern medicine!! Being spiritual does help but I strongly feel it isn't enough. Anyway, don't give up on counselors. Finding a good one can be a breath of fresh air and a HUGE support. See if any local places have a website then look them up and read the staff bios. I found a good counselor that way. I've had 2 lousy couns. in the past so it's night/day to have a good one. Sometimes I feel "weak" for going to a counselor, but it can be so helpful. I OFTEN have to remind myself that taking care of myself is the "strong" thing to do. It's hard to seek help though. Hang in there, you are not alone :)

Adam and Melissa's hullabaloos said...

I'm so glad you posted this! You are an amazing person, who I've always looked up to. I've been struggling a lot lately with bouts of depression, just not having motivation to do anything, feeling so down and out, just wanting to sleep all the time, not feeling happy at all. I love my husband dearly, but I know he doesn't understand. I've tried to tell him how I feel and he just says I need to look at things more positively, I need to read my scriptures or pray more. Believe me, I do and it doesn't help. I lay on the couch all day yesterday and didn't do anything. I posted on my blog yesterday a little bit about how I was feeling about myself, but didn't go into much detail. Thanks for helping me realize I'm not the only one!

Pauline said...

You ARE a brave girl! I'm so thankful for your courage to share. It does no good to compare our private lives to everyone elses public lives, cause everyone has their struggles. I honestly have always looked up to you and saw you as a great example of kindness and sincerity! You are awesome and I'm so glad I got to become friends with you! Keep up your amazing work with Evelyn. She is absolutely adorable!

A Red Haired Girl said...

I miss you Sandy!!!! And Will!!! And Evelyn!!!! I enjoyed getting to know you more from this post.

P.S. If all your counselors were at college, that might explain your luck with them.

A book I've enjoyed is GOD MADE US TO LAUGH by Diana Mahony, PhD

Sandy Jean n Will Demar said...

Kathleen, I love it here! I think we all will be great friends too! Alisha, you're brave too! It was so tough. I've loved all the support and response I've gotten though. I think we both must have great husbands! And we have to put up with them, so that makes us pretty amazing too. :)
Jonnie, thanks, you are so sweet!
Thanks for the support, Erika. We can get through this together!
Pauline, you are too kind! Isn't that what President Uchtdorf said in the Relief Society Meeting? I love it!
Darby, I miss you! And if you get on anti-depressants, it's ok because apparently every teacher is on them! :) Oh and thanks for the book rec. I'm excited to check it out.

Mom said...

You rock girl! Though we talked before you left ID, getting the women at church to share challenges is almost impossible. I remember giving a lesson in the previous RS format on "Home and Family" and brought up the term "co-dependent" which I had never heard of before going to a counselor. There were women in there nodding that they knew all about my situation but NO ONE talks about things like that. As far as being on meds, a diabetic takes insulin along with all the other instructions from their doctor. I was honored when you listed me as "Mother" on your FB.

Rachel said...

Depression is such a hard thing and it is SO ubiquitous among women especially. And sometimes it is SO hard to see yourself. I spent about two of my years in college sleeping and avoiding people. It WAS dark. I was so alone and sad but didn't realize HOW alone and sad I was until my husband pushed me to get help too.

And let me tell you...anti-depressants made all the difference.

I will agree there are a lot of crappy counselors out there, but I had a LOVELY one at BYU who helped me through my depression. So keep trying. They're like have to date around to find one that fits you well.

Glad you shared. Thanks.

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