Monday, December 5

I won't complain

So, it turns out, it does get cold in Oklahoma. I won't complain though, because my ID friends had some negative weather already.  But, brrr...I'm cold.  I need to put more plastic up around our windows because we're still getting a lot of cold air coming in.  IT'S just TOO WINDY!  Any other tips?
Well, we are alive and well.  My computer has been down, so I haven't had much computer time, but Will went to bed early tonight as he is hoping to fight off a cold.  So, I decided to give my fans a modest update.  Let's see.  I'll just talk about Thanksgiving.  Will and I split a groupon deal with some of our friends here.  They found a resort in Branson that had a pretty good deal, especially when you split it between 3 families.  So we all shared a 3 bedroom condo type apartment on the lake in Branson.  It was a very relaxing getaway  Well except for the first couple hours.  We stopped in Joplin on our way to Branson, as it was en-route and drove through the town to see what an F5 tornado could do.  DEPRESSING!  It had been 6 months from the day that the tornado hit, and wow, the destruction that was still left to behold even after all the cleanup that has already been done was immense.   We stopped and tried to have lunch across from the hospital that was destroyed.  They built a new park in honor of that day.  It was nice, but we didn't stay long, one it was too cold to enjoy our lunch, and two they were setting up for a anniversary event that was to be held later.  So off we went to Branson.  Joplin was a good way to start off my Thanksgiving Holiday.  It made me realize how blessed I am.  It also showed me what was truly important.  If I were to loose everything, would I still be happy? 

Well we were in Branson for two days and then We continued our journey an hour and a half south to my home town to have Thanksgiving Dinner with my Grandparents.  We spent the night with them and returned home on Friday.  I'll have pictures to show next time.  Meanwhile here is a list of things I'm grateful for:
  1. My Eternal Family
  2. My Sweet Husband that does so much for me
  3. My beautiful baby girl who makes me so happy
  4. My sister who is so patient with me
  5. All of my wonderful friends who always have something to teach me or help me
  6. The time in which we live.  I love being able to be so connected with so many people.  I used to think that I was born in the wrong era, but I've realized that I love how information is so accessible and how we can go to so many places so quickly.  Two of my favorite things are traveling and learning!
  7. I love the scriptures.  They fill me with peace.
  8. I love my warm bed and my comfy pillow. :)
  9. I love this time of year and all the thinking of others that goes on
  10. I am grateful that I can stay at home with Evelyn.  Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it, as you can find some great day cares out there, but then when she does something that makes me die of laughter or smiles at me with her toothy grin I remember how lucky I am.
  11. I'm grateful for my Savior.  Which is why Christmas is one of my favorite holidays!  
  12. I'm grateful for diversity. It reminds me to think of others.  I was at Walmart the other day and saw a Muslim women shopping.  It hit me, she isn't celebrating Christmas.  It was such a foreign thought.  The town I grew up in was 100% Christian.  I knew one JW and even they were Christian, they just didn't celebrate Christmas.  That has changed by now, but yeah...It was a good reminder that there are a lot of people who think and feel differently than me.  We can learn a lot from each other and in deed I have learned a lot from people who think differently.  
  13. I'm grateful that you read all the way through.  I'm grateful for so many things, but I'll call it a night for now. :)


Kathleen said...

My sister lives in Joplin, and luckily survived the tornado with no damage, but the devastation there is so terrible! We were there for thanksgiving too, and it broke my heart!

Unknown said...

I'm glad I made the top 5 list!!!

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