Sunday, July 17


Warning: I am trying to set a record for using the word "excited" in one post.

In 10 days I will have a new home.  I'M SO EXCITED!  In 12 days, HARRY POTTER comes out!  I'm SO excited.  I just get so giddy when I think about these next few weeks.  This summer is going to be awesome.  Those 2 things are the start to some other AMAZING things that are going to happen, but I'll tell you about them later.  Anyway, one of my best friend is going to be a mom.  I'm so excited for her.  She's going to be the best.  She's amazing.  I LOVE YOU JULIE!  I'm so excited to be 5 hours away from my other best SIS!

Life is great.  Evelyn is beautiful. I love watching her learn new things and explore.  She's always making me smile.  I love when she gets really excited or when she crawls really fast to see me or Will.  I love how happy she gets when Will gets home.  She claps and it is adorable.


Julie A. said...

Is this something you wrote a while ago because.. uhh... Harry Potter is already out, and I'm pretty sure you already moved. haha. Love you too. Glad you were able to stop by for a bit. And Harry Potter was amazing- can't wait to see it again!!!!! I cried maybe more than I should admit.

Sandy Jean n Will Demar said...

Yeah, I meant to post it but saved it instead. I was hoping no one would notice. :) We haven't seen Harry yet. I thought I would die with torture, but I've been so busy, I'm ok w/ waiting a few more days. We'll see if I cry. If I were pregnant, I probably would for sure.

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