Monday, May 21

Evelyn Moments Part II

This morning Evelyn peed in her potty again!  YAY!  I also have to share one more story about Evelyn and her potty.  I was cleaning Evelyn's room the other day and while I was doing that she was trying to take off her pajamas.  She did so and naturally the next step was to remove the diaper.  She then brought her potty chair into her room and played with it while I finished putting her clothes away.  Later I went into the dinning room.  Her potty chair came with her.  While I cleaned in the living room and dinning room her chair went all over the place.  My favorite spot though was when she took it in her play tent.  She brought it in there and just sat for a little while on her potty.  If you aren't laughing, I'm sorry you missed it...but it was HILARIOUS!

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